Thursday, April 10, 2014

4 Credit Hour Syllabi using Math Lit

Math literacy courses are not identical between states or even within them.  Because of that, we included a lot of content in Math Lit to provide schools and states with options.  Some schools would like a 4 credit hour course using Math Lit and aren't sure how to choose sections from the book to fit in their time constraints and meet their content goals.  To make this process easier, I've created three syllabi to respond to the most frequent requests.  They are available at the bottom of this post and can be downloaded.  They are:

1.  A broad range version that prepares students for liberal arts math or stats and has a prealgebra prerequisite.  This version should work for many schools.

2.  A version that prepares students for liberal arts math or stats but has a greater emphasis on stats prep.  It also has a prealgebra prerequisite.

3.  A course that replaces intermediate algebra for non-STEM students.  It has a beginning algebra prerequisite.

The first and second syllabi would work for either of these models:

The third syllabus would work in this model:

If you have questions or would like a different syllabus created for your school, please email me.