Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Instructor video support in Math Lit

Heather and I offer training to schools and faculty who request it as they implement a math literacy course using Math Lit.  However, there may be times when you want something quick instead of a day long seminar.  Perhaps you're new to the course and want an overview.  Or maybe you have a new adjunct who wants to understand how the course works.

We made a series of 12 brief instructor videos to address these needs.  They are housed within the MyMathLab course in a tab called Instructor Resource Videos.  They are also provided as links within the preface.

The twelve videos are:

A Typical Day
Book Structure
Focus Problems
Lesson Features
Cycle Wrap-Up
Teaching with Excel
Tour of MyMathLab
Top 10 Tips
Instructor Support

Take a look at A Typical Day.

For more information on instructor support available, check out Math Lit's website.